Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Job hoppers

Ever worked with a "job hopper"?

Someone who constantly applied for internal job postings and is not afraid to admit she's been in 7 different jobs in just as many (or less) years.

We have an opening and I would love to apply. I am, honestly, afraid she will apply... I don't think I can work directly with her.

I'm having a rough start today.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Writing a book...

Has anyone gone to the next level and written a book?

Did you convert your big posts to your story?

What were your next steps?

I'm getting the bug to want to take the next step... Just need some guidance.


Saturday, November 1, 2014

Attending a wedding

My son and I recently attended a wedding for a friend of ours. 

The last time we saw her, she was multitasking, overactive, and a tiny girl. It's been so long since we've seen each other.

She has found herself a happy place I her life and found someone who makes her happy. This is good. I am happy for her.

She seems to be happy with who she is, where she is, and what she is.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Dressing professional

I work in an office and we have a dress code, by which we need to follow.

I guess that what isn't covered tends to be the issue. It talks about sandals and short skirts but it doesn't talk about tops.

We have one girl who always wears low cut tops that are snug, so her chest is always showing. I'm sure she gets special treatment and no one says anything because the guys in her dept don't mind. 

I find it unprofessional. It my top feels snug, I change it. If I can see my bra, I change it.

Why is that such a difficult concept? Are hers fake? Or does she crave the attention?

Really have to wonder.

And then we have casual days. A fellow co-worker wore jeans and a tank top with a blouse over the top. Okay. But the blouse was unbuttoned and the tank top was white. She is petite and larger. The top was inappropriate... She kept pulling the blouse closed and didn't seem to notice that tanks are snug. I didn't understand that either.

I, myself, get very self-conscious and would not be able to be comfortable.

How about you?

Tuesday, October 14, 2014


Ever known someone who will say they don't like what is available to snack on.... But they eat it snyway.... And never chip in for all they eat????

Monday, October 13, 2014

Times like this...

I'm stressed, I have been munching, I've had an anxiety attack and I could really use a hot bath, but my son is in the tub.

I could really use a 2nd bathroom right about now.

Today was my final exam in class, my computer went wonky and I'm anxious.

This sucks!

Saturday, September 27, 2014


Today has been a long day. Got up and was going to hit the kickboxing class and then the gym, but I didn't. I'm going to walk tonight and I was cleaning the basement today. Just want to chill after a week of constant running and meetings.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Loyal rewards

Best yet, tracks your purchases and awards loyalty shopping rewards. Just sign up with a valid email when you order. The purchases are tracked that way.

Amazing 3D Fiberlash Mascara


I am more of a tomboy and not big on makeup.

I wear contacts so that's the 2nd strike.

I was asked to try a new mascara from Younique.

Awesome product! All natural. Washes off with soap and water, not going back! No flaking or smudging. LOVE IT!!!!

Check this awesome mascara out! One set, if used daily, will last 2-3 months!

Click the website to shop!

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Not thought through

My son wants to paint the joists in the basement ceiling (it's only been 40+ years since they had paint). 

He was all gung-ho so I bought him paint, a roller, and drop cloths... And now he's finding out that painting a ceiling is a lot more work than originally thought. 

My mom wants me to move stuff for him. I want to see if he's even going to think about painting anymore of this.

If he paints, I will move stuff...
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