My son is quiet, reserved, and low-maintenance. She, on the other hand, is a girlfriend version of a younger bridezilla!
She has anxiety issues, doesn't want to be alone, doesn't like gatherings, is secretive, is kinda rude.... And the list goes on.
This fall my son will be a senior, at a different high school, and his job is picking up, so there are two reasons she is upset with him. Oh well, that's life.
I told he that he "isn't married up her" and that he can tell her "no".
It's a long story, over these past four months.
I ready for him to move on. I am also ready to tell that "little lady" to "suck it up buttercup and GET OVER IT!" (Or would that be rude?!?!?!$
Been there. It was a 2 year nightmare!