Friday, March 9, 2012

Feeling Beachie - March 9th, 2012


This week’s statements:

1. Given the choice to do _cold-calling at work_ for _shoveling snow_ I would pick _shoveling snow_

2. When I watch _Humane Society commercials_ it always makes me want to _cry and then run out and help all the strays_.

3. When I have people over I always make _something new_, it always knocks ‘em dead!

4. I always feel like I accomplished something when I _am able to get my brain to shut down and I can sleep through the night_.


  1. I cry at those commercials, too... and then look at my zoo. All rescues, except one. I hated cold calling at work... I hated telemarketing period...but it was a job and it was during college. So, I'm excused, right???:)

  2. ---I cannot watch those commercials. I mute the TV. or turn the channel. SO Saaaaddd.

  3. How do you get your brain to shut down and sleep through the night... I need to know...

  4. I do the same thing at the Humane Society commercials, gets me crying every time!


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