Wednesday, May 12, 2010

My Brain Hurts!!!!!

Have you ever been in one of those situations where there is so much that needs to be done, but there are not enough hours?  Last night, I sat in front of the computer screen, working on one task, trying to make headway, but felt even more stressed than I did earlier.  As my hands are typing and my eyes are reading, my brain is trying a whole multitasking thing!  My hands and eyes are working on one project and my brain is reminding me of the other 4 things I am supposed to be doing.  None of the tasks are minor or unnecessary… but what I was working on really couldn’t be put on the top of the priority list.  There were other things more important, but I guess I just didn’t want to think that hard. 

1 comment:

  1. happens to me all the time girl!
    Hope tomorrow is a better day!


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