Friday, December 30, 2011

Feeling Beachie 12.30.11

This week’s statements:

1. Lately, I have been feeling a little_not in the holiday spirit_

2. I am usually a ­­­­_happy person_

3. _Kicking back in my pj's with my kitties_is always the best feeling at the end of the day

4. _Feed the cats_is the first thing I do in the morning



  1. Ah, yes! The cats must be fed! Thankfully, my husband is up before me and he wrestles with the Friskies can and the excitable kitty!

    Happy New Year!

  2. I am so glad the holidays are over. They were especially stressful this year. Wishing you peace and happiness in this coming new year.

  3. we do the same thing first thing in the AM! Our cats appreciate!

  4. I love lounging around in my pj's ... especially my super soft fleece ones. Happy New Year!!!


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