Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Slanket - for those of you on Monday Listicles

Thanks to a fellow follower (Nani), she clarified for me "what the hell is a slanket"? question.

I had to check it out on line...see for yourself... The Slanket

It is called "The Slanket Blanket, The Original Blanket with Sleeves" and was created in 1998.

So... now we know...

Thanks Nani!!! :)


  1. Oh God, why did you make me look? why?



  2. Thanks for the link, Tere! I'm always cold and those things look great! And as long as there are green ones and polka dotted ones, they have my attention anyway. I might seriously look at getting one. (The cats keep stealing my blankets)

  3. You wanted to look... you know it.... just had to do it... just like I did!!!!!


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