Monday, December 12, 2011

It's Monday morning and I am still coming off the weekend.

This weekend was a zoo. Friday I worked late, came home, made homemade pizza, did homework and watched a little tv. Saturday morning I got up, we went to a Christmas breakfast, and then I had to go help with our Sunday School Christmas Pageant practice... so we had 30+ kids running through the area, trying to sing, find their costumes, and learn their lines. By the time I helped fold costumes and clean up the lunch remnants, I went home and decided to take a nap, but first, I had to find that the cats knocked over our lamp and broke it, along with the screen on my son's cell phone. I went to bed, pulled the covers over my head, and said "GO AWAY!" I slept 2 hours, but that was useless. My son and I then went to visit a good friend for an hour and then we came home and had dinner. I did more homework and that was the end of me. Yesterday, I woke up early, had to be to church early, to open the doors and prep for the service. I then had to help with coffee hour, the christmas pageant, confirmation class... and the new problem of cyber-bullying on facebook, of my son. So, I was sending emails, along with running like a chicken with my head cut off. By the time I got home, I had such a headache. I send emails out and hit my facebook parents with a post, asking them to make sure their children aren't victims... or being the bullies. My brain hurt. I took another nap, with the cats. I did a little homework, but I preferred to have a meltdown instead. I cried and got angry. I am trying to be a good single mom, I am trying to protect my son, I am trying to go to school, I am trying to be supportive, I am trying to work hard, but I feel like I'm failing at everything. Melting down was definitely what I did. Then this morning I got up, came to work and then the phones quit working and the school already called me to handle the bullying... since it is internet-based, they are involving the police officer on campus. As I have told so many, this mama bear can be patient, but when she gets mad - watch out. And when anyone (at all) messes with my baby bear, there will be hell to pay. I am not a mama that gets mad - I get even... and I have claws...I am sooooooo ready to crawl back under the covers and call it a week... because tonight when I get home, I have to take a final exam for school. SHOOT ME NOW!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. You have so much stress, but how wonderful that some action is being taken with the bullying. Hopefully your son is as tough as you. Take a minute to meditate on all the good things, and it will help put your life back in perspective. I have been in your place and know how important it is to be grounded. Hugs


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